Monday, June 21, 2010

still tired

It's been more than a month since the marathon and I'm wiped out still!! I want to run and not be weary like I used to run. I feel so heavy and running takes so much more effort than it used to. Running used to feel so free and fun. Now I just do it wake me up for the day. It's a chore and not as enjoyable as it used to be. I miss it.

Yoga has helped me relax a little. Brian has been gone most of the time and it takes so much work to clean, take care of the kids, and try to survive.

I'm spent!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Worst Run Ever!!!

Each step of the Ogden Marathon was painful. Besides running on hardly any sleep for the past week, I had a pain in my piraformis--literally a pain in the butt!!! My hip hurt each time I tried to run. How was I going to finish this thing? Well, it was slow going but I finished my race and walked a good part of the last half. I still can't run today. I tried. It still hurts and I am so burned out. Walking is boring, but hopefully I'll be back to normal soon.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why run a marathon?

I'm having real doubts as to why I keep paying money to run marathons. Each race brings with it weeks of training, running miles each week, etc. Before every race I seem to hit the wall before I even start running. Crazy. I'm sicker than I've been in a while with a nightmare cold, cough, and congestion. I've worked so hard putting in long miles each week and now I feel mostly dead. Not from the training, but from a virus. UGH! I should be grateful I can run at all, but I want to run well at these marathons. I want to qualify for Boston. Why is it so hard!!!!